
Banda­ríkja­maður fyrstur til að þvera Suður­skauts­landið án að­stoðar

Atli Ísleifsson skrifar
Colin O'Brady var 54 daga á leiðinni.
Colin O'Brady var 54 daga á leiðinni. Instagram
Bandaríkjamaðurinn Colin O‘Brady varð í gær fyrsti maðurinn til að þvera Suðurskautslandið án nokkurrar aðstoðar. Norðmaðurinn Børge Ousland varð veturinn 1996-97 fyrsti maðurinn sem þveraði álfuna einn, en hann notaðist við segl á ferðum sínum.

Hinn 33 ára O‘Brady var 54 daga á leiðinni sem er nærri 1.600 kílómetra löng.

„Ég náði markmiðinu: Að vera fyrsta manneskjan í sögunni sem ferðast yfir álfuna Suðurskautslandið einn, án nokkurrar aðstoðar,“ sagði O‘Brady á Instagram eftir að hafa klárað síðasta legginn.

„Þrátt fyrir að síðustu 32 tímarnir hafi verið einhverjir þeir erfiðustu klukkutímarnir í lífi mínu, þá hafa þeir í raun innifalið einhverjar bestu stundir sem ég hef upplifað,“ segir O‘Brady.

Hægt var að fylgjast með ferðum hans á heimasíðu hans.

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Day 54: FINISH LINE!!! I did it! The Impossible First . 32 hours and 30 minutes after leaving my last camp early Christmas morning, I covered the remaining ~80 miles in one continuous “Antarctica Ultramarathon” push to the finish line. The wooden post in the background of this picture marks the edge of the Ross Ice Shelf, where Antarctica’s land mass ends and the sea ice begins. As I pulled my sled over this invisible line, I accomplished my goal: to become the first person in history to traverse the continent of Antarctica coast to coast solo, unsupported and unaided. While the last 32 hours were some of the most challenging hours of my life, they have quite honestly been some of the best moments I have ever experienced. I was locked in a deep flow state the entire time, equally focused on the end goal, while allowing my mind to recount the profound lessons of this journey. I’m delirious writing this as I haven’t slept yet. There is so much to process and integrate and there will be many more posts to acknowledge the incredible group of people who supported this project. But for now, I want to simply recognize my #1 who I, of course, called immediately upon finishing. I burst into tears making this call. I was never alone out there. @jennabesaw you walked every step with me and guided me with your courage and strength. WE DID IT!! We turned our dream into reality and proved that The Impossible First is indeed possible. “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” - Nelson Mandela. #TheImpossibleFirst #BePossible

A post shared by Colin O'Brady (@colinobrady) on Dec 26, 2018 at 12:55pm PST

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Day 50: STRUNG OUT BUT STILL MOVING. I can’t believe I been out here all alone for 50 days. Even having lived it, I can’t quite wrap my mind around it. This wind storm still has not subsided so I spent another day getting beat down. Fingers crossed I catch a break on the weather soon. I’ve been writing a lot about the mental game as it’s clearly the most crucial part of this challenge (or any challenge for that matter). However today I want to honor my body and health. I wholeheartedly believe that nothing in life is more important that being healthy. Without that it’s hard to do or do fully. I’m so fortunate to have parents that instilled that in me from a young age, teaching me the importance of healthy eating and exercise. My dad is an organic farmer so I guess you could say it’s in my blood. Despite feeling exhausted and worn out, I’m grateful for having lived a healthy lifestyle, for without that I’m certain my body would have given up by now. And on the health front, I’m glad to be partnered with @Grandrounds who go above and beyond to guide people to the highest quality healthcare. It’s incredible to know they provide access to medical expertise literally anywhere on the planet! #GrandRounds #TheImpossibleFirst #BePossible

A post shared by Colin O'Brady (@colinobrady) on Dec 22, 2018 at 8:46pm PST

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