
Vonar­stjarna innan Cross­Fit á spítala með heila­himnu­bólgu

Anton Ingi Leifsson skrifar
Dylan Kade Instagram.
Dylan Kade Instagram. (

Dylan Kade, vonarstjarnan innan CrossFit-íþróttarinnar, hefur verið á spítala síðan 23. júní með alvarlegan en sjaldgæfa heilahimnubólgu.

Þessu greinir kærasta hans frá á Instagram-síðu sinni en hann hefur nú verið fluttur á C.S. Motts sjúkrahúsið í Michigan til meðhöndlunar.

Hann greindist með heilahimnubólgu á miðvikudagsmorguninn og var þá fluttur með hraði á gjörgæsludeild sjúkrahússins til eftirlits.

Vinir Kade hafa nú hafið söfnun til þess að hjálpa Kade í endurhæfingunni en þessi nítján ára gamli CrossFit-keppandi hafði nýlokið við sitt fyrsta ár í Oakland háskólanum.

Hann er þar að læra sjúkraþjálfarann en hann hefur í þrígang keppt á heimsleikunum í CrossFit unglinga. Hann er einnig CrossFit-þjálfari.

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As some of you may know, my boyfriend, Dylan, has been in the hospital for about a week and a half for a very severe and rare case of meningitis. The first week, Dylan was admitted into a smaller hospital and just thought it was a regular case of meningitis. We started to realize that he was not getting better, but instead getting worse everyday there. The doctors told us it was much more severe case, and couldn t figure out how he got it. Yesterday my mom, Dylan s mom, and I transferred him to the Ann Arbor Motts center in the UofM campus. During the car ride to Ann Arbor, it was the first time I had gotten to see Dylan. I was able to take advantage of the time I had with him, and I held his hand the entire way there. I could clearly see he was in a lot of pain, but he was such a trooper and didn t complain once on the ride up. Instead he kept asking if I was comfortable and okay. It s been a very scary week, and we know he is now in the best possible hands he could be in. Dylan is the strongest person I know, and know he is using every ounce of his strength that he has to fight this thing off. I love him so much, and I couldn t be anymore proud to be his girlfriend. Praying that he makes a full recovery and the doctors are able to help him in any way they can

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