
Ragnheiður Sara þurfti að hætta vegna meiðsla: „Brákað eða marið rifbein vegna álags“

Anton Ingi Leifsson skrifar
Ragnheiður Sara Sigmundsdóttir þurfti að hætta keppni á heimsleikunum í Crossfit vegna meiðsla. Heimsleikarnir fara fram í tólfta skipti en grátlegt fyrir Söru.

Sara, eins og hún er oftast kölluð, var í ellefta sætinu fyrir síðari tvo viðburðina í gærkvöldi en það kom svo í ljós að hún hafi hætt keppni. Tíðindin voru óvænt.

Hún greindi svo frá því á Instagram-síðu sinni að gömul meiðsli hefðu tekið sig upp en í byrjun árs glímdi hún við brákð eða marið rifbein vegna álags.

Þessi meiðsli hefðu tekið sig upp og segir hún að þetta hafi verið eitt það erfiðasta sem hún hefði þurft að gera. Hún segir þó að hún komi sterkari til baka.

Færslu Ragnheiðar Söru á Instagram í gærkvöldi má sjá hér að neðan.

Sometimes things are unfair and don´t go as planned _ I have never been as well prepared for the @CrossfitGames as I was this year but early on in the competition something happened and my ribs got really sore and bruised. I was in a bit of denial and decided to tough it out. In the 'Marathon row' the pain went a way as soon as had hit 10 km, so I thought this couldn´t be that bad. Afterwards the pain got so much worse of course. I started Friday, still in denial, and after the 'Clean and jerk ladder' pain killers had become my best friend. I decided to keep on pushing today regardless of all the alarm bells but once I started warming up for events 9 and 10 the pain had become so bad that I could not bend over to do a snatch or complete a muscle up on the bar. _ It is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do in my life but I have decided to withdraw from the competition due to a stress fracture injury on my rib. _ This desicion is made after a consultation with my coach and doctors. There was only one decision to be made, and as much as I hate the fact that I am not going to finish this competition I know that this is the only right way to proceed. _ I will give a better and more detailed explanation on all of this when I know more but one thing is for sure. I´ll be back!!! _ Love, Sara

A post shared by Sara Sigmundsdóttir (@sarasigmunds) on

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