Golden age in Covid times Jordi Pujolá skrifar 22. mars 2021 12:02 Crisis everywhere but in Iceland? I´m a writer from Spain. Many things shocked me when I moved to Iceland. But now after almost 8 years there is something that shocks me more than when I saw for the first time the plumber taking off his shoes before coming in my house. I am very surprised because there seems to be a crisis everywhere except in Iceland. While all the attention on the news go to the volcano and Covid, the prices in Iceland keep on rising. The Real Estate situation The thing is I wanted to buy a bigger apartment. I saw a nice one and I bid for that without asking for discount (I didn´t dare). Then some hours later the real estate agent told me I had to pay for some extra repairs on the house (worth ISK 2 M) and I accepted. And the next day he told me I had to raise my offer up because some other customers did it, otherwise I was out of the auction. Wow, I just needed to invite the owner to Hotel Rangá with a prepaid dinner. Of course, I said yes and of course someone else offer more than me and I lost the apartment. And not only the real estate prices, also the cars, the services, the food ... Reykjavik or Montecarlo? By the way, I have never seen so many luxury cars as nowadays. The rúntur in Laugavegur is not the same anymore. No sign of the old Toyota, Nissan or Subaru (I miss them). All the cars are Porsche, Land Rover, Audi, BMW, Mercedes ... And Tesla was the car best seller in 2020. This city looks like Montecarlo! The ferming About clothes. I went to Kringlan in February to buy some clothes for my kids. The shop assistant told me there were not sales because it was ferming season. And the same extends to computers, phones, motor bikes, etc. Wow, it looks parents spare no expense when it came to confirmation celebrations in Iceland. I´m shaking, my oldest son is 13. I don´t know what he is going to ask me for. I need hardly to write a bestseller. Luckily, he doesn´t have driving license yet. As a result of this compulsive consumerism, the inflation rate in Iceland is almost 3%. Expensive even for Icelanders When tourists come again, they will be way safe from Covid, but when they see the prices they will faint and fall backwards. Iceland is expensive even for Icelanders. I guess that is why moonlighting is so necessary and asking for loans a habit. However, Iceland is facing the highest unemployment rates (7%) in recent years and the low interest won´t last forever. On the other hand, it´s a fact the tourism, the main source of the Icelandic economy in recent yearshas been reduced to ashes. Perhaps the only positive thing is that it gives us the possibility to start from scratch. For example, do we want fewer tourists but with greater purchasing power? Then we should improve some facilities. In crises like that there are always new opportunities. The Government is doing well Unlike in other countries, the Icelandic Government has managed to keep the economy alive by subsidizing companies and unemployed workers until the tourists come back. At the same time, the Covid looks to be under control, which currently can be considered another economic rate. Therefore, if nothing unexpected happens, Iceland will be the favorite touristic destination in Europe, and we will be safe again. The hungover The fact the government is paying the bill for everything is fine and to spend the money of the holidays we didn´t go as well. However, it can produce a fictitious economic peak situation and, consequently, an exaggerated consumerism and indebtedness of the population. Especially in Iceland because the loans are indexed to inflation and the krona is more volatile and vulnerable than other currencies. Film director Borkur Gunnarsson once told me that Icelanders are not afraid of going bankruptcy because they know that one way or another the State will protect them and no one in Iceland starves or sleeps on the street. I hope so. Jordi Pujolá is a fiction novel author and economist living in Reykjavik. Viltu birta grein á Vísi? Sendu okkur póst. Senda grein Mest lesið Skiptir stærðin máli? Litháenskir sérfræðingar á Íslandi: Eining og samstarf Inga Minelgaite Skoðun Gerviverkalýðsfélagið Efling Aðalgeir Ásvaldsson Skoðun Áhugamönnum um hagræðingu fjölgar Diljá Mist Einarsdóttir Skoðun Réttindagæsla fatlaðs fólks á valdi þekkingarleysis Jón Þorsteinn Sigurðsson Skoðun Geðveiki krónuhagkerfisins: Tók 35 milljón króna lán, búinn að greiða til baka 91 milljón, skuldar samt enn 64 milljónir! Ole Anton Bieltvedt Skoðun Gagnlegar símarettur Davíð Már Sigurðsson Skoðun Þar lágu Danir í því: Stórveldi eiga hagsmuni, ekki vini? Hilmar Þór Hilmarsson Skoðun Vegna greinar Snorra Mássonar Guðmundur Andri Thorsson Skoðun Sorg barna - fyrstu viðbrögð barna við missi Matthildur Bjarnadóttir Skoðun Hlýnun jarðar mun ekki valda heimsendi Sæunn Kjartansdóttir Skoðun Skoðun Skoðun Þar lágu Danir í því: Stórveldi eiga hagsmuni, ekki vini? Hilmar Þór Hilmarsson skrifar Skoðun Gagnlegar símarettur Davíð Már Sigurðsson skrifar Skoðun Réttindagæsla fatlaðs fólks á valdi þekkingarleysis Jón Þorsteinn Sigurðsson skrifar Skoðun Gerviverkalýðsfélagið Efling Aðalgeir Ásvaldsson skrifar Skoðun Áhugamönnum um hagræðingu fjölgar Diljá Mist Einarsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Skiptir stærðin máli? Litháenskir sérfræðingar á Íslandi: Eining og samstarf Inga Minelgaite skrifar Skoðun Sorg barna - fyrstu viðbrögð barna við missi Matthildur Bjarnadóttir skrifar Skoðun Með styrka hönd á stýri í eigin lífi Árni Sigurðsson skrifar Skoðun Hjólað inní framtíðinna Búi Bjarmar Aðalsteinsson skrifar Skoðun Framsækin ríkisstjórn í umhverfis- og auðlindamálum: Nýi stjórnarsáttmálinn. Stefán Jón Hafstein skrifar Skoðun Hugvíkkandi meðferðir eru fortíð okkar, nútíð og framtíð Sara María Júlíudóttir skrifar Skoðun Komdu út að „Vetrar-leika“ í Austurheiðum Reykjavíkur Sara Björg Sigurðardóttir skrifar Skoðun Upprætum óttann við óttann Sóley Dröfn Davíðsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Hér er kona, um konu… Vilborg Gunnarsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Vegna greinar Snorra Mássonar Guðmundur Andri Thorsson skrifar Skoðun Ertu á krossgötum? Þuríður Santos Stefánsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Vísvita villandi fréttaflutningur Morgunblaðsins? Sigurjón Þórðarson skrifar Skoðun Hafa fyrrum æskunnar eftirlætisbörn og nú ellinnar olnbogabörn fengið nóg? Gunnar Ármannsson skrifar Skoðun Máttur kaffibollans Ásta Kristín Sigurjónsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Kennarar segja: „Nóg komið!“ – Verkfall fyrir virðingu og verðskulduð réttindi Jónas Sen skrifar Skoðun Hefjum aðildarviðræður við Bandaríkin Einar Jóhannes Guðnason skrifar Skoðun Eru tengsl milli Úkraínustríðsins og breyttrar stöðu Grænlands? Hilmar Þór Hilmarsson skrifar Skoðun Árið 1975 er að banka Rakel Linda Kristjánsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Viljum við að erlendir milljarðamæringar setji einhliða leikreglurnar í almannarýminu okkar? Elfa Ýr Gylfadóttir skrifar Skoðun Val Vigdísar Skúli Ólafsson skrifar Skoðun Friður á jörðu Þröstur Friðfinnsson skrifar Skoðun Af hverju eru kennarar að fara í verkfall? Anton Már Gylfason skrifar Skoðun Opið bréf til Íslandspósts ohf. Gróa Jóhannsdóttir skrifar Skoðun Gaza getur ekki beðið lengur Hjálmtýr Heiðdal,Magnús Magnússon skrifar Skoðun Ísland yrði betra með aðild að Evrópusambandinu Jón Frímann Jónsson skrifar Sjá meira
Crisis everywhere but in Iceland? I´m a writer from Spain. Many things shocked me when I moved to Iceland. But now after almost 8 years there is something that shocks me more than when I saw for the first time the plumber taking off his shoes before coming in my house. I am very surprised because there seems to be a crisis everywhere except in Iceland. While all the attention on the news go to the volcano and Covid, the prices in Iceland keep on rising. The Real Estate situation The thing is I wanted to buy a bigger apartment. I saw a nice one and I bid for that without asking for discount (I didn´t dare). Then some hours later the real estate agent told me I had to pay for some extra repairs on the house (worth ISK 2 M) and I accepted. And the next day he told me I had to raise my offer up because some other customers did it, otherwise I was out of the auction. Wow, I just needed to invite the owner to Hotel Rangá with a prepaid dinner. Of course, I said yes and of course someone else offer more than me and I lost the apartment. And not only the real estate prices, also the cars, the services, the food ... Reykjavik or Montecarlo? By the way, I have never seen so many luxury cars as nowadays. The rúntur in Laugavegur is not the same anymore. No sign of the old Toyota, Nissan or Subaru (I miss them). All the cars are Porsche, Land Rover, Audi, BMW, Mercedes ... And Tesla was the car best seller in 2020. This city looks like Montecarlo! The ferming About clothes. I went to Kringlan in February to buy some clothes for my kids. The shop assistant told me there were not sales because it was ferming season. And the same extends to computers, phones, motor bikes, etc. Wow, it looks parents spare no expense when it came to confirmation celebrations in Iceland. I´m shaking, my oldest son is 13. I don´t know what he is going to ask me for. I need hardly to write a bestseller. Luckily, he doesn´t have driving license yet. As a result of this compulsive consumerism, the inflation rate in Iceland is almost 3%. Expensive even for Icelanders When tourists come again, they will be way safe from Covid, but when they see the prices they will faint and fall backwards. Iceland is expensive even for Icelanders. I guess that is why moonlighting is so necessary and asking for loans a habit. However, Iceland is facing the highest unemployment rates (7%) in recent years and the low interest won´t last forever. On the other hand, it´s a fact the tourism, the main source of the Icelandic economy in recent yearshas been reduced to ashes. Perhaps the only positive thing is that it gives us the possibility to start from scratch. For example, do we want fewer tourists but with greater purchasing power? Then we should improve some facilities. In crises like that there are always new opportunities. The Government is doing well Unlike in other countries, the Icelandic Government has managed to keep the economy alive by subsidizing companies and unemployed workers until the tourists come back. At the same time, the Covid looks to be under control, which currently can be considered another economic rate. Therefore, if nothing unexpected happens, Iceland will be the favorite touristic destination in Europe, and we will be safe again. The hungover The fact the government is paying the bill for everything is fine and to spend the money of the holidays we didn´t go as well. However, it can produce a fictitious economic peak situation and, consequently, an exaggerated consumerism and indebtedness of the population. Especially in Iceland because the loans are indexed to inflation and the krona is more volatile and vulnerable than other currencies. Film director Borkur Gunnarsson once told me that Icelanders are not afraid of going bankruptcy because they know that one way or another the State will protect them and no one in Iceland starves or sleeps on the street. I hope so. Jordi Pujolá is a fiction novel author and economist living in Reykjavik.
Skiptir stærðin máli? Litháenskir sérfræðingar á Íslandi: Eining og samstarf Inga Minelgaite Skoðun
Geðveiki krónuhagkerfisins: Tók 35 milljón króna lán, búinn að greiða til baka 91 milljón, skuldar samt enn 64 milljónir! Ole Anton Bieltvedt Skoðun
Skoðun Skiptir stærðin máli? Litháenskir sérfræðingar á Íslandi: Eining og samstarf Inga Minelgaite skrifar
Skoðun Framsækin ríkisstjórn í umhverfis- og auðlindamálum: Nýi stjórnarsáttmálinn. Stefán Jón Hafstein skrifar
Skoðun Hafa fyrrum æskunnar eftirlætisbörn og nú ellinnar olnbogabörn fengið nóg? Gunnar Ármannsson skrifar
Skoðun Kennarar segja: „Nóg komið!“ – Verkfall fyrir virðingu og verðskulduð réttindi Jónas Sen skrifar
Skoðun Eru tengsl milli Úkraínustríðsins og breyttrar stöðu Grænlands? Hilmar Þór Hilmarsson skrifar
Skoðun Viljum við að erlendir milljarðamæringar setji einhliða leikreglurnar í almannarýminu okkar? Elfa Ýr Gylfadóttir skrifar
Skiptir stærðin máli? Litháenskir sérfræðingar á Íslandi: Eining og samstarf Inga Minelgaite Skoðun
Geðveiki krónuhagkerfisins: Tók 35 milljón króna lán, búinn að greiða til baka 91 milljón, skuldar samt enn 64 milljónir! Ole Anton Bieltvedt Skoðun