
Ashley Turner update

"August 14, 2005, U.S. Air Force Airman First Class Ashley Turner, age 20, was found unconscious with trauma to the head and neck in a common room in her dormitory building, No. 762 at U.S. Naval Air Station Keflavik. She was taken to the Naval Hospital, Keflavik where she was pronounced dead at 22:56. The circumstances surrounding the death are under investigation by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, Air Force Office of Special Investigations, Navy Security and the Icelandic Police." So read the press release announcing the murder of Ashley Turner, Airman First Class in the U.S. Naval Air Station in Keflavík. The Grapevine brought further news of the case, and later it was revealed that Airman Calvin Hil from the 56th Rescue Squadron would face a capital murder trial for the death of Airman Ashley Turner. Well, the trial of Calvin Hill begins today, and if found guilty, Hill could be the first member of the military to die by lethal injection.

Athugið. Vísir hvetur lesendur til að skiptast á skoðunum. Allar athugasemdir eru á ábyrgð þeirra er þær rita. Lesendur skulu halda sig við málefnalega og hófstillta umræðu og áskilur Vísir sér rétt til að fjarlægja ummæli og/eða umræðu sem fer út fyrir þau mörk. Vísir mun loka á aðgang þeirra sem tjá sig ekki undir eigin nafni eða gerast ítrekað brotlegir við ofangreindar umgengnisreglur.
