
Record Number of Icelanders

þrjúhundruðþúsundasti íslendingurinn, mannfjöldi, íslendingar Markús °Guðmundsson ásamt foreldrum Guðmundur Arnar Guðjónsson og Herdís Gunnarsdóttir
þrjúhundruðþúsundasti íslendingurinn, mannfjöldi, íslendingar Markús °Guðmundsson ásamt foreldrum Guðmundur Arnar Guðjónsson og Herdís Gunnarsdóttir

This year will set the record for the largest annual increase of the Icelandic population, largely due to a large influx of people moving to Iceland. According to the national register, Icelanders counted 304.300 on July 1 and had therefore increased by one and a half percent from the January 1st. If the second half of the year goes according to predictions, the population rise will be almost three percent, compared to 2,2 percent last year, when the annual population increase set a record.

Numbers shown in the national register show that a great number of people have moved to Iceland this year, most of them to Reykjavik or east Iceland. Despite a great influx of foreign workers to east Iceland due to the heavy industry rising there, more Icelanders are moving away from the area than moving to it.

Athugið. Vísir hvetur lesendur til að skiptast á skoðunum. Allar athugasemdir eru á ábyrgð þeirra er þær rita. Lesendur skulu halda sig við málefnalega og hófstillta umræðu og áskilur Vísir sér rétt til að fjarlægja ummæli og/eða umræðu sem fer út fyrir þau mörk. Vísir mun loka á aðgang þeirra sem tjá sig ekki undir eigin nafni eða gerast ítrekað brotlegir við ofangreindar umgengnisreglur.
