
Magni's Shark Confiscated

Magni Ásgeirsson.
Magni Ásgeirsson.
Magni the Magnificent, Iceland's sweet-voiced contestant in TV series Rock Star Supernova continues to do well on the show. The judges- which include Tommy Lee- took pity on Magni's pining for his family back in Iceland and decided to invite Magni's wife Eyrún and his baby son Marínó to Los Angeles.

Magni also received a basket full of Icelandic goods from Icelandic producer Árni Björn Helgason after Magni expressed his wish to introduce Icelandic products to rock-thirsty Americans. The basket, which included Icelandic brennivín, Icelandic Tópas schnapps, rotten shark, sweets, and books on Iceland was confiscated by US customs for closer inspection.
