
Myspace-Tom tók trylltar myndir á Íslandi

Stefán Árni Pálsson skrifar
Anderson er frábær ljósmyndari.
Anderson er frábær ljósmyndari.
Thomas Anderson, betur þekktur sem Myspace Tom, hefur verið síðustu daga á Íslandi og ef marka má Instagram-reikning hans hefur ferðin verið frábær.

Anderson stofnaði samfélagsmiðilinn Myspace árið 2003 ásamt Chris DeWolfe og sló miðillinn rækilega í gegn á sínum tíma. Facebook vann síðan slaginn um vinsælasta samfélagsmiðilinn. Tom hætti hjá Myspace árið 2009 eftir að þeir félagar höfðu selt News Corp fyrirtækið.

Tom hefur meðal annars einbeitt sér að landslagsljósmyndun síðustu ár og mátti greinilega sjá að hæfileikar hans fengu að njóta sín hér á landi.

Hér að neðan má sjá einstakar ljósmyndir sem Myspace-Tom tók hér á landi.

First day in Iceland has been fun! I got this shot a few hours ago. Because of the time of year, the sun never sets here. It's 4am and it's still bright I've been to Iceland twice before and spent about 6 weeks total here. This country is so photogenic -- probably more than any other place in the world. Beautiful and photogenic are not the same--sometimes beautiful things are hard to capture in a photo, but Iceland has so many beautiful places that are also photogenic. So many of these places are easily accessible from the main highway that circles the island. I think that's why tourism has grown so fast here: Instagram is filled with stunning photos Iceland. The Icelandic people have made an impression on me as well. Case in point: my online friend @ozzophotography who I've never met in person before sent his son on a 4 hour roundtrip drive to bring me a piece of gear I left behind in America! Wow!! Thanks so much Oli brother! Check out his photos and videos of Iceland they're crazy!

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Thorsmork, Iceland - a subregion in Middle Earth? I was channeling my friend's old copy of Lord of the Rings for this shot. I remember the illustration / painting on the cover of his book and tried to go for that feel here in the processing. This is my third trip to Iceland and it just gets better every time! Yesterday we hiked through this area; today we took a classic Cessna 170 and flew over it! This shot was taken from the sky. I'm having the best time and have met so many cool people on this trip—including my new friend @donalboyd who took us on a hike of the region, and my longtime Insta-only-and-now-in-person friend @volcanopilot who took us into the sky to capture this shot! Remember the Hawaiian trip giveaway ends tomorrow — keep entering, I'm not picking the winner until midnite July 5th. And speaking of contests, I'm loving Iceland so much I think it be best that I be givin away an Iceland trip! Does that excite anyone? Any of you out there interested in Iceland?

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Northern Lights, Iceland. I think there's three or four things everyone should experience in nature: northern lights, ice caves, and lava, I think I forgot one. Oh my memory! I'll update this post if I remember. Haha. This shot was taken on an earlier Iceland trip, not the one I just completed. (Yes, I flew home to LA today!) But this photo got me thinking: whoever wins the Iceland giveaway I announced yesterday should choose to go in the winter, then they can see two of my top 3 in nature. Maybe even 3 if some Iceland volcano acts up soon :) Northern Lights are truly crazy to behold… Its different every time, and the strength and visibility can vary widely. I've even seen it strong enough for the lights to appear before its fully dark. So bright I captured it on my cel phone! (But then I lost the cel phone with the pics on it a few days later.. doh!) Anyway… Northern Lights are not to be missed! And Iceland is an awesome place to see them!

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Myspace Tom á leiðinni til landsins

Thomas Anderson, betur þekktur sem Myspace Tom, er á leiðinni til íslands en hann greinr frá þessu á Instagram síðu sinni.

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