
Leftist Greens Growing

According to a new Capacent Gallup Poll, The Left-Green Movement is the biggest opposition party and the second biggest political party in the country. The poll showed a 23,5% support for the Left-Green party while the Social Democratic Alliance receives 22,5%. According to the results, the Independence Party has the support of 36,3% of those who answered, support for the Liberal Party has dropped to 6,9%, down by nearly 2% since the last poll while the Progressive Party rises to 10%. The ruling coalition parties would therefore get 46,3% and not hold the majority in the upcoming elections. Only 47% of those questioned said they support the current government. Of 4600 people 61% answered.

Athugið. Vísir hvetur lesendur til að skiptast á skoðunum. Allar athugasemdir eru á ábyrgð þeirra er þær rita. Lesendur skulu halda sig við málefnalega og hófstillta umræðu og áskilur Vísir sér rétt til að fjarlægja ummæli og/eða umræðu sem fer út fyrir þau mörk. Vísir mun loka á aðgang þeirra sem tjá sig ekki undir eigin nafni eða gerast ítrekað brotlegir við ofangreindar umgengnisreglur.
