
DJ Agzilla on the Metalheadz label

Agnar Agnarsson aka DJ Agzilla
Agnar Agnarsson aka DJ Agzilla
Agnar Agnarsson, better known as Dj Agzilla will release his first album on the Metalheadz label owned by Goldie. „We‘ve known each other for a long time, but only recently did I start making music and when Goldie heard it he wanted to release it,“ said Agnar. They met when Goldie was making graffiti art at a nightclub and Agnar was opening his first shop. Agnar now runs the guesthouse Home in Skólastræti.

The new album is titled Cats Can Hear Ultrasound and Agnar says it is electronic music but unlike anything he has ever heard before. „It‘s a melting pot of different sounds, breakbeat being one of those sounds.“ First a four track EP will be released before the LP. „What is interesting is that this label usually only releases drum and bass so they are taking a chance with my music,“ says Agnar who is the first solo artist to release a record with Metalheadz.

Agnar has been a Dj for 17 years but started making his own music three years ago. „It‘s been going really well. It‘s sort of a therapy for me. I‘m trying to become rich and famous by writing music. I‘m also busy in my day job running the guesthouse.“

Athugið. Vísir hvetur lesendur til að skiptast á skoðunum. Allar athugasemdir eru á ábyrgð þeirra er þær rita. Lesendur skulu halda sig við málefnalega og hófstillta umræðu og áskilur Vísir sér rétt til að fjarlægja ummæli og/eða umræðu sem fer út fyrir þau mörk. Vísir mun loka á aðgang þeirra sem tjá sig ekki undir eigin nafni eða gerast ítrekað brotlegir við ofangreindar umgengnisreglur.
